This site's primary purpose is to host all of my videos and other content in one easily accessible place. I took an unusual "fencing-first" approach to its database structure. Videos are organized not according to their own details, but by the details of the bouts they cover. For example, a video's "date" field is the date the bout took place, not the date I uploaded it. There's also a database of all the fencers I've featured in my videos. It's far from the one on the FIE website, but it's another way of organizing things. Both fencers and bout videos are fully searchable over a variety of fields, including tournament type, season, nationality, etc.
I built this website myself with Python 3.8 using Django 3.2. The (very meager) front-end uses Bootstrap 5.1. This project marks my first ever foray into web development and design. There's clearly much to improve upon, particularly regarding the front-end design, but the bare-bones functionality is there. If you want to help the site grow, feel free to reach out to me on YouTube or Discord. The less time I have to spend maintaining this site, the more time I can devote to making videos!